Panama's geographic location

Panama is located southeast of Central America, bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea, south by the Pacific Ocean, east by Colombia and west by Costa Rica. Its Capital is Panama city.

It is a place meeting of several cultures. In its territory is located the Panama Canal, an important work that facilitates shipping between the Atlantic coast and the Pacific Ocean and has a great influence on world trade. Due to its geographical position currently offers the world an extensive platform of marine services, commercial real estate and financial services, where we highlight the "Zona libre de Colón", second in the world.

Its population exceeds by some three million inhabitants, which boasts a privileged position in various statistics of growth and development in Latin America, as per capita income, level of economic growth, globalization and life expectancy.

Trump Hotel

 A Modern Marvel

Currently the tallest building in Latin America, the Trump Panama hotel soars astonishingly high up to 70 stories. Situated on the Bay of Panama it offers high-end luxury, with exclusive services and other innovative Trump hotel signature accommodations. This hotel is also an architectural icon, an elegant design depicting an open sail in the wind. Located in the Punta Pacifica area and offering sophisticated shopping, nightlife and just a short distance from the financial district, giving the perfect place to stay for business or pleasure.

Luxury at its finest

Trump Panama hotel is modern and luxurious, offering guests the most beautiful rooms and other amenities. With 70 floors there are 369 rooms and suites, all of which are beautifully furnished. Located on the 13th floor, you can find a deck that offers five amazingly designed pools. While on this deck you are faced with amazing views of the Bay of Panama. Also located at the Trump hotel you will find a world-class spa that offers in-room massages.

Summit of the Americas, Panama 2015

The Summits of the Americas are gatherings of Heads of State and Government of the member states of the Western Hemisphere aimed to argue common policy issues, mobilize ambitions and commit to concerted actions, at national and regional level, in order to strengthen democracy and governance, affirm shared values, help reduce poverty and inequities, improve opportunities in the Americas and face new challenges. But, Why was invited dictator Raul Castro? , he is the representative of totalitarianism, nepotism and violation of human rights.
What about on political prisoners in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador; on the persecuted and exiled Cubans, Ecuadorians, Venezuelans, and Bolivians; about the use of systems of justice as an instrument of political repression? or absolute control of electoral systems and indefinite reelection based on this control; on the other hand corruption, the new rich and impunity in the countries of the XXI Century Socialism? About the existence of narco- states?
The Seventh Summit of the Americas, with a focus on “Prosperity with Equity: The Challenge of Cooperation in the Americas”, will be held in Panama City, Panama on April 10 and 11, 2015.

Tocumen International Airport


Panama-Boquete-Chiriqui-Baru volcano
Baru volcano





Boquete is a small and beautiful town located in the Chiriqui Province, Panama. This site has abundant natural resources like mountains covered by primary and secondary forests, an extraordinary fauna diversity, singing creeks of crystal clear waters, a majestic volcano, impetuous rivers, national parks and forest reserves.

The tour options are numerous, the more important ones: trek in the forests, visiting the local attractions, canopy, kayaking, river rafting, ascent to the top of the Baru Volcano, visits to La Amistad International Park, walking along Boquete's main street, or simply birds and fauna watching. Boquete is a place that it will surprise you. It has a fresh (sometimes cold) temperature, no big storms, and excellent air and land connections.

The Barqueta Beaches-Chiriqui:

“Playa La Barqueta”:  This beautiful beach situated on 18 miles of beautiful Pacific Oceanfront is located just 25 minutes from the city of David. La Barqueta rental villas, vacation homes, and condo rentals are starting to become available along the beach. "Playa La Barqueta" is known for “Las Olas” a 5 Star Beach Resort, built in 2001. This beach is surrounded by high biodiversity. Surfing, beach walking, fishing, bicycling, kayaking, birding and shelling, are all available here. 


Barqueta-Chiriqui-Panama-Las Olas Hotel


Las Mendozas-Coclé:

Las Mendozas-Coclé-Panama

Las Mendozas-Coclé-Panama

Even before Spanish conquest, The "Las Mendozas Swimming Hole" has been an important site for residents who lived in what is now the area around Penonomé. Its strategic location on the Zaratí River and its position between the coast and the mountains and made this place an important trade spot.  But, over the years, as new means of communication were developed, the importance of the Las Mendozas River as a place for local trade began to decrease; however, at the same time it started to get importance as a bathing spot, ecological and tourist site that regains its attractiveness during national holidays like the carnivals. The way to reach the streams also has its charm. The visitor can enjoy leisure and recreation, walks along the river banks and sense the nature, discovering a variety of rock formations, birds, wild animals, small waterfalls and rapids.
It is not far from Juan D. Arosemena Avenue, the main street in Penonomé.
How to arrive?  By Car: This place is one km from the city of Penonomé.

National Parks:

Photos:   Darien National Park

More than one third of Panama is protected. There are about 60 natural protected sites, biosphere reserves and mankind heritage that represent two million and a half hectares. Panama has one of the richest fauna and flora of the world. Its forests shelter more than 10000 plant species and 1000 species of birds. The most famous parks are Darien National Park(576,000 hectares)UNESCO World Heritage site; La amistad International Park (407,000 hectares)World heritage site; Coiba Island National Park(270,125 hectares of wich 216,125 hectares of which 216,542 are marine) where the whale watching is particulary good; Baru Volcano National Park(14,300 hectares) and its extint volcan, the highest point in Panama(3475m).



Displays a wide collection of archaeological, anthropological and ethnological remains of Panama. More than 15.000 objects are presented there, dating to the pre Columbian to colonial times.
Location: Llanos de Curundu, Vía la Amistad

Photo, testimonies, scenes, and objects from the Afro-Antillean people that have been working on the Panama canal construction hosted in a church.
Location: 24 west and Ave. Justo Arosemena.


The mos beautiful museum of the capital for its architecture and content; The isthmus history is presented from pre Columbian times to our days. The building hosting the museum dates back to 1875.
The museum has ten permanent exhibit halls that show the history of the inter oceanic route across the isthmus and the construction of the Panama Canal. Also, the museum stands out for the several temporary exhibitions it puts on display each year, on diverse topics in the fields of architecture, culture, history and environmental conservation.
Location: "Plaza de la Catedral".