Panama's geographic location

Panama is located southeast of Central America, bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea, south by the Pacific Ocean, east by Colombia and west by Costa Rica. Its Capital is Panama city.

It is a place meeting of several cultures. In its territory is located the Panama Canal, an important work that facilitates shipping between the Atlantic coast and the Pacific Ocean and has a great influence on world trade. Due to its geographical position currently offers the world an extensive platform of marine services, commercial real estate and financial services, where we highlight the "Zona libre de Colón", second in the world.

Its population exceeds by some three million inhabitants, which boasts a privileged position in various statistics of growth and development in Latin America, as per capita income, level of economic growth, globalization and life expectancy.


Surface: 78200
Density: 34,8 hab/km2
Capital: Panama 1,1  million metropolitan area.
Political division. 9 provinces, 2 Indian shires.
The first habitants of the country were the Amerindians. They met the conquistadors at the begging of the XVI century,when the Spaniards claimed the land as theirs. Lots of them have disappeared because of the diseases brought and the barbarian acts of the invaders. They now represent about 7 to 8% of the population.

After being part of the Spanish empire for 300 years, Panama became independent in 1821. It soon joined the Great Colombia as one of its departments already including the current Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. The great confederation disappeared due to intense confrontations in 1830 and the isthmus will follow in the decades to come. In November 1903, the United States realized the potential of the isthmus and Panama finally became an independent country with their support. For the anecdote, the United States of America had been hesitating between Nicaragua and Panama to construct a connection between the two oceans. Panama required negotiations but easier to construct and Nicaragua was close, did not need negotiations but definitely required a longer construction. It is thanks to a stamp, sensibly sent by the old company in bankruptcy, representing an active volcano of Nicaragua that Panama has been chosen for the project. The eruption of the Pelée mountain at the time, that destructed the whole Saint Pierre city in Martinique, has had an important impact in the final decision.


For a long time the Colon Free Zone and the international bank center have been the main point of interest in a country. At the time, business tourism was dominating. It is only by the end of 1990 that efforts emerged to launch tourism. Old military bases have transformed in hotel complexes and shops. At the beginning of 2000, tourism started to become more important but still far from Costa Rica. However, Panama has the same wealth and diversity as its neighbor and it is very imaginable, in a close future, for the country to become the new touristic destination of Central America.

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