Panama's geographic location

Panama is located southeast of Central America, bordered on the north by the Caribbean Sea, south by the Pacific Ocean, east by Colombia and west by Costa Rica. Its Capital is Panama city.

It is a place meeting of several cultures. In its territory is located the Panama Canal, an important work that facilitates shipping between the Atlantic coast and the Pacific Ocean and has a great influence on world trade. Due to its geographical position currently offers the world an extensive platform of marine services, commercial real estate and financial services, where we highlight the "Zona libre de Colón", second in the world.

Its population exceeds by some three million inhabitants, which boasts a privileged position in various statistics of growth and development in Latin America, as per capita income, level of economic growth, globalization and life expectancy.

The tribe of the painted bodies:

Almost 7,000 indians from the Wounaan settlement share the jungle territory of Darien with their brothers Emberá.  The two cultures are very similar in idiosyncrasy, but speak different languages.  The Wounaan work the same handcrafts as Embera’s with the same extraordinary quality.  Women dress a skirt named paruma and usually topless, their bodies painted with intricated designs red and black.  They live near swamps; they fish and collect shrimps and oysters.  They use traps, arc and arrows, lance and blowpipes charged with poison arrows.

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